Acupuncture, a central treatment method of Eastern Medicine, stimulates the body to promote natural healing and improve function. The general theory is proper physiological function and health depends on the smooth circulation of nutrients, substances, and Qi through a network of channels which courses throughout the body. This network connects every body part, particularly the organs, providing balance, regulation, and coordination of all physiological processes.
Pain and Disease is viewed as a direct result of an imbalance caused by a disruption or blockage of flow within the channel network. The culprit can be number of factors including disease, pathogens, trauma or injury, but can also be exacerbated by a number of contributing lifestyle factors i.e. poor diet, overwork, emotional factors, lack of sleep, and stress.
By precisely stimulating specific points along the channel network system of the body, acupuncture treatment helps restore the natural flow and balance of the body, relieving pain and improving symptoms. On a deeper level, acupuncture influences various internal organs to recalibrate and self-regulate, correcting imbalances in their functions of digestion, absorption, energy production and distribution.
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Herbal medicine treatment is fundamental to Eastern Medicine and works synergistically with acupuncture treatments to supplement the body with deficient nutrients or actively fight pathogens. Herbal formulas are created out of a vast and extensively studied pharmacopeia, resulting from thousands of years of research and application, and thoroughly tested for both efficacy and safety by both international scientific and regulatory standards.
Herbal medicine formulas substantially aid in restoring and maintaining the crucial balance within the body and especially supports organ functionalities. They are commonly applied to a broad range of conditions including chronic pain, insomnia, fatigue, infertility and menstruation issues, digestive issues, and neurological and psychological issues.
At Elim Acupuncture Group, you may be prescribed herbal medicine formulas in the form of pills, granules, or in liquids.
Cupping Therapy
Cupping is the practice of applying suction cups to specific regions of the body to relieve pain and remove toxins from the deep muscle layer to promote smooth circulation of blood, lymph, and Qi from the affected region to the rest of the body.
Cupping is commonly applied to the back and can feel like a deep tissue massage. Depending on the condition, the slight bruising caused by the suction may temporarily remain on the body for up to a week. There is no need to be worried, the marks show that the treatment is effectively drawing out the deeply lodged toxins, and will soon disappear in short time.